What is it?
Paving is the application of new hot asphalt to either native soil or rock base material. The thickness of the asphalt section or the size of the rock used will change depending on how much weight and traffic the surface will be subject to. Base material, or—more accurately—rock base, is a very frequently used mixture of rock and sand which is able to attain a high rate of compaction. The utilization of base material provides a strong foundation to the new asphalt being placed as heavy traffic areas will destroy new asphalt if it is not on strong base material at the time of the installation.

Why is it important?
Pavement is often the first thing your customers, tenants, or homeowners experience when pulling into your property. While it’s not as exciting as a flashy neon sign, brightly colored banner, or glistening fountain, it sets the tone for the level of quality and value your business or residential area provides. Unfortunately, paving is often overlooked until you hear that familiar “THUNK!” as your precious front tire slams into a pothole and you pray for its survival as you navigate the treacherous terrain of a poorly-maintained parking lot. No one talks about it nearly enough, but we all know the feeling of silent satisfaction that only comes when your vehicle effortlessly glides along smooth, silky, freshly-laid asphalt. But maybe that’s just me…
Your streets and parking lot are the first and last experience you can provide for your customers; why not make it the best experience possible?
When do I need to do it?
Generally speaking, properly maintained asphalt should undergo a full removal and replacement every 20-25 years depending on factors including: weather, sun exposure, water damage, wear and tear, level of use, etc. This life can be sustained and prolonged with repairs as needed and regularly applied seal coat (every 3-5 years). However, seal coating has its limits. If the asphalt underneath has deteriorated beyond repair, a seal coat will do nothing more than highlight the cracks and imperfections and a full removal and replacement is recommended instead.
If you’re questioning it, you probably need it in some capacity. That’s where we come in to help. Your project may be as simple as some pothole repair, crack seal, resurfacing, or seal coat; or as (seemingly) complex as a full removal and replacement. Our experienced Estimators will meet with you to determine what is best for your needs and your budget.